Fellowship Resources

Some Cayce quotes to get you started:

(Q) Please describe the difference in fellowship and brotherhood.
(A) One to God, the other to man.… Doing unto others as ye would have them do unto you is the extreme test of fellowship. Without same ye may not wholly please God.  (262-22)

Fellowship is first brotherhood, a pattern of - or a shadow of - what fellowship is; for, as has been given, all one sees manifest in a material world is but a reflection or a shadow of the real or the spiritual life. Brotherhood, then, is an expression of the fellowship that exists in the SPIRITUAL life.   (262-23)

Let that rather be thy watchword, "I am my brother's keeper." Who is thy brother? Whoever, wherever he is, that bears the imprint of the Maker in the earth, be he black, white, gray or grizzled, be he young, be he Hottentot, or on the throne or in the president's chair. All that are in the earth today are thy brothers.  (2780-3)

And unless each soul entity (and this entity especially) makes the world better, that corner or place of the world a little better, a little bit more hopeful, a little bit more patient, showing a little more of brotherly love, a little more of kindness, a little more of longsuffering - by the very words and deeds of the entity, the life is a failure; especially so far as growth is concerned. Though you gain the whole world, how little ye must think of thyself if ye lose the purpose for which the soul entered this particular sojourn!  Think not more highly of thyself than ye ought to think, yet no one will think more of you than you do of yourself; not in egotism, but in the desire to be of a help. For who is the greatest? He that is the servant of all, he that contributes that which makes each soul glad to be alive, glad to have the opportunity to contribute something to the welfare of his brother.  (3420-1)

And it is only as ye deal with thy fellowman that ye show forth His love. For as ye do it unto the least of these, thy brethren, ye do it unto thy Maker.   (1620-1)

In consideration of fellowship, this should mean a great deal to each and every member of this or such a group; for with the application in their own experience there may be expected, and there may be received, that true fellowship in the experience of the individual; and when such is NOT one's experience, then such ones may know they are lacking in THEIR efforts in being what they should in their relationships to themselves, their Maker, the group.  Then, make for that which is sincere in purpose, pure in mind, reasonable even to self, walking in the way that brings a more close union with Him, that "Will ye be my people, I will be your God." He seeks to find that expression even in all who are called in the I AM THAT I AM, and is an ever active force that through all ages, all peoples, may be a memorial that one has fellowship with Him, that brought the Pleiades into being, that set the bands of Orion, or the waters in the deep that are cast upon the land, or brings breath into the life of all creatures, and supplies the union with those creative forces that makes for the SONGS of the spheres - the Lord is His name!   (262-23)